Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Change and a positive lens

Teresa Atkin gives advice to married couples and reflects on six mistakes women make.

3. You believe that your happiness depends on your husband changing. Research has shown that happiness does increase when your husband changes for the better, but that change originates with you. Paradoxically, the women who focused on becoming the person they want to be, rather than on how to get their husband to change, were happier down the road.

5. You focus on what's wrong. One of the most difficult scenarios I come across is a couple in which one or both people are stuck viewing each other through a negative lens, expecting the worst. Our brains do a wonderful job of seeing what we expect to see, and we are much more likely to view our husbands as doing everything wrong when we have developed a negative view of them.
Continue reading: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/03/divorce-causes-6-marriage_n_3368860.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular

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