Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Thankful for what we have

Most people would consider anyone with millions of dollars in investible assets to be rich, but a considerable number of millionaires apparently exist in a different dimension -- one in which millionaires are not rich.     

A new survey from the wealth management unit of UBS AG (NYSE:UBS) found that out of 4,450 U.S. investors with at least $1 million in investible assets 72 percent do not consider themselves “wealthy.”

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Being grateful

SFgateblog has some tweets posted by passengers on the plane that crashed at the San Francisco airport.

David Eun tweeted, "At Terminal now. Very grateful I'm ok."

Passenger Benjamin Levy: "I'm feeling extremely lucky. ... We had no idea.

Sheryl Sandberg, who was suppposed to be on the flight wrote, "Taking a minute to be thankful and explain what happened."

Does it take a major incident for people to realize that they should be grateful?